Our main program focuses on teaching life skills, through the medium of Tae Kwon Do. While our students do learn to kick and punch, more importantly they learn to become leaders in the community and leaders in life. Our Character Development Program, “POWerful Words” establishes our facility as a “Character Development Centre”. We go so much farther than implementing and teaching Respect, Discipline and Confidence which are key reasons why people join Martial Arts.
These character skills are standard and basic expectations in our program. They are umbrella words for character development. We teach values such as empathy and impulse control as well as work on camaraderie, leadership and vision. In total we rotate through 36 different character values changing to a new one each month.
Another key reason people join Martial Arts is for Self Defence. For the less then 1% chance you will need it, we offer all the physical skills required to defend yourself. In conjunction to physical self defence we teach to defend against and build low self esteem, to deal with and manage anger, to work together in a team and overcome obstacles in everyday life. The kicking and punching reduces stress and increases fitness and is not taught to be used on the street. We need more peace and resolution in our world and less violence and conflict. Bateson’s is here to manifest the values of Martial Arts so our students use them outside of the school in their everyday life to be successful, happy and healthy.
We offer the highest level of instruction so you can achieve your goal of Black Belt Excellence and beyond. Whatever your needs are, we can assist you in exceeding them, as an individual or family.
You are required to attend two 30 minute classes per week at the beginners level (White Belt). After which you can upgrade to 45 or 60 minute classes 2 – 3 – 4 times per week.
Call us at 604 460-0046 or sign up below and we’ll follow up with you.